How to Find a Vitamin Regimen That Works for You

How to Find a Vitamin Regimen That Works for You

If you’re past the age of twenty-five, it’s a question that you probably never thought you’d be asking yourself, but now can’t stop thinking about: what kind of vitamins should I take? Taking vitamins is a crucial way to fill in gaps in your nutrition and keep your body functioning as it should.

Not all vitamins are created equal, and everyone’s body needs different supplements for the most effective vitamin regimen that works for them. So, for all those of you who are asking what kind of vitamins you should take daily, here’s what you need to know.

Do You Need Supplements?

It’s important to assess your current health before starting a vitamin plan. If you are healthy and have a good diet, chances are you’re not going to need a whole cabinet full of vitamins. However, most people benefit from the intake of at least some supplements, because it’s a great way to boost your nutrients, especially if you’re finding it difficult to eat enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Look carefully at your food intake, compare it to the recommended consumption of nutrients, and get a good idea of what you might be lacking.

Know Your RDI

Speaking of taking control of the nutrients you might be lacking, knowing your RDI is how you’re going to find out: the Recommended Daily Intake. So, if for example you’re a vegetarian, you might be lacking in vitamin B12, which is a vitamin commonly found in food sources that are not vegetarian. The RDI for B12 for adults is about 2.4mcg to 2.8mcg. Or, in another instance, the USDA recommends that you eat seafood about twice a week. If you’re not doing that, you could consider supplementing with an omega-3 fish oil.

Assess Lifestyle and Goals

It only makes sense that a thirty year old is going to need different vitamins than a sixty year old. Women approaching their fifties or sixties might be looking to take bone-strengthening vitamins for osteoporosis, or women who are trying to get pregnant might be looking to up their intake of iron and folate. Perhaps you have a long-term goal of being able to sleep better, and you’re considering taking magnesium or valerian root. Everyone has different goals, and taking the time to measure yours and carefully plan your routine will support your overall health in the long run.

Make it a Habit

Once you do find the supplements that you want to take, getting into the habit of remembering to take them can be more difficult than expected. To get into a good routine, try pairing up taking your vitamins with a routine you’ve already got down pat. Brushing your teeth in the morning, and in the evening? That can be your time to take your vitamins as well.

Make Sure it’s Quality

If you create the most optimized, perfect vitamin routine for yourself but use vitamins that aren’t made from quality ingredients, then you’re not doing yourself any good at all. How do you know which vitamins are quality and which ones aren’t? Check the label - see if it’s been tested. And then check out the ingredients themselves! For example, in a dose of immunity, you’ve got natural ingredients like zinc and quercetin, an antioxidant immunity stimulator that you won’t find on other, sub par supplements.

Consult with a Physician

If you’re completely unsure where to begin, you can always ask a doctor or a physician how to proceed when it comes to finding a vitamin regimen that works for you. They will be able to make recommendations and streamline the process for you, giving you a custom plan.

After you’ve got your vitamin routine nailed down, make sure you’re never sacrificing on quality. That’s the dose+remedy guarantee.

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